Calgary was under a lake of water during the devastating floods in June 2013. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Alberta Calgary Flood Emergency Preparedness

Hazard season is here again. Whether you’re building an emergency kit or preparing for severe weather, checklists and fact sheets are available in different languages to help. ⁣

Make sure your family and your home are ready for: ⁣
• Floods⁣
• Wildfires⁣
• Power and water outages⁣
• Severe storms and tornadoes ⁣
• Extreme winter weather ⁣
• Extreme heat⁣
• Evacuation alerts and orders ⁣
• Caring for kids and pets during an emergency ⁣

Tips to follow year round

Being ready for an emergency is called emergency preparedness.

Use and share the resources on this page to:

  • get you and your family ready for an emergency
  • teach your community about emergency preparedness

Flood Preparedness

Download and print translated resources at the website of Government of Alberta available in these languages:

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