Every Child Matters, Canada National Orange Shirt Day 2023 The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Alberta Calgary

Canada Orange Shirt Day: Commemorating Resilience and Reconciliation

Canada Orange Shirt Day is a significant annual event that holds great importance for Canadians, especially Indigenous communities, as it represents a poignant reminder of the legacy of the residential school system and the ongoing journey towards reconciliation. This article aims to shed light on the significance of Canada Orange Shirt Day and highlight how Bay River College embraces and observes this day, providing valuable information for college students and newcomers who may be unfamiliar with its history and meaning.

The History of Canada Orange Shirt Day

Canada Orange Shirt Day is commemorated on September 30th each year. It originated from the personal experience of Phyllis Webstad, a Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation survivor of the Canadian residential school system. In 1973, when Phyllis was just six years old, she was sent to the St. Joseph Mission Residential School in British Columbia. On her first day at the school, her grandmother gave her a bright orange shirt, a gift that was taken from her upon arrival at the school. The loss of her cherished orange shirt symbolized the loss of her identity, culture, and sense of self.

Phyllis’s experience of having her orange shirt taken away is a poignant representation of the traumatic experiences suffered by thousands of Indigenous children who were forcibly removed from their families and sent to residential schools across Canada. These schools aimed to assimilate Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian culture, resulting in the loss of language, culture, and identity for many.

The significance of the orange shirt lies in the idea that every child matters, and this annual event is a way to honor the survivors of residential schools, remember those who did not make it home, and educate Canadians about this dark chapter in their history. It serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength of Indigenous peoples and their ongoing journey toward healing and reconciliation.

Every Child Matters, Canada National Orange Shirt Day 2023 The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Alberta Calgary

Bay River College’s Commitment to Canada Orange Shirt Day

Bay River College is proud to actively participate in Canada Orange Shirt Day as part of its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation. The college recognizes the importance of acknowledging and honoring Indigenous history and experiences.

For College Students and Newcomers

For college students and also newcomers to Canada who may not be familiar with Canada Orange Shirt Day. It’s essential to recognize the significance of this day and its role in the broader process of reconciliation. Here are some key takeaways:

Wear Orange

On September 30th, wearing an orange shirt or clothing is a simple yet meaningful. This is the way to show support for Indigenous communities . The way to remember the children who were affected by the residential school system.

Learn and Reflect

Take the time to educate yourself about the history of residential schools and the experiences of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Reflect on the significance of reconciliation and the role each person can play in promoting understanding and healing.

Participate in Events

If you’re a student at our college or in a similar institution, participate in the Canada Orange Shirt Day events. Engaging in workshops, ceremonies, and also discussions can deepen your understanding and connection to this important day.

To the Future and Beyond

Canada Orange Shirt Day is a solemn yet essential occasion. This day reminds Canadians of residential schools while highlighting the resilience and strength of Indigenous communities. Bay River College’s active participation in this day underscores its commitment to reconciliation and diversity. For college students and newcomers, Canada Orange Shirt Day is an opportunity. A moment to learn, reflect, and also stand in solidarity with Indigenous people on the path to healing and understanding.

We proudly stand together with our hearts filled with compassion and remembrance for this National Day in Canada. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the experiences of Indigenous children. Children who were taken from their families and also placed in residential schools.

At Bay River College, we deeply believe in the power of education to bring about positive change. On this National Day, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting reconciliation, understanding, and also unity among all communities.

Let’s wear orange shirts with pride, as a symbol of our commitment to the journey of healing and reconciliation. 🧡

Bay River College

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